I am playing the Friday Five at the RevGals. This week’s question is What Makes You Smile?
1. Listening to live jazz with Stratoz.
It’s coming up on 10 years since we started enjoying jazz music, and it has brought us many smiles, especially since the musicians are usually smiling themselves.
2. Pie. From Bingham’s Homemade Pies(which is on the way to the Rochester Jazz Fest, fortunately) to Pie Night with our friends at the home of Good Food, Happy Man, pie makes me smile, especially when in good company. I had my first black walnut tart this year.
3. The Color Wheel. As evidence of how much the transitions between colors makes me smile, check out my Color Wheel Pinterest Board.
4. The West Main Diner. Stratoz and I call this our World Headquarters for Nutmeg Designs. The friendly service and good food is always worth a smile, and helps the business meetings run smoothly.
5. The Grout Monster. My friend Joanne, who delights in grouting, and helps me when there are too many mosaics to grout alone.
What makes you smile?
Related Posts:
Nutmeg Designs Mosaics and Icelandic Jazz of Sunna Gunnlaugs
What a fun FF you have here! I’m off to look at all your links and am most impressed with your artistry. I am also jealous of the pies.
Welcome! Thank you for coming over to my blog and for your kind words about my art.
beautifully sensuous and sensory! I believe we’re connected on pinterest, but I haven’t been over there for a very long time–gotta visit your color wheel board (and now going over to visit Stratoz’ friday 5).
Welcome Leah Sophia! Glad to see you here.