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Gifts for Ordination: Feeding the Spirit

Galaxy Swirl Mandala by Margaret Almon.
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Galaxy Swirl Mandala by Margaret Almon.

This Galaxy Swirl Mandala became a young pastor’s ordination gift, and she loved it, which makes my heart happy.  The mandala is a sacred circle, symbol of healing and wholeness, and has been used from ancient times in spiritual traditions around the globe. As I cut each piece of glass, I focus on incarnation of light that mosaics embody, a beautiful object for contemplation, embodying the spiral of our journey through life.

At one time, I considered becoming a minister.  I even attended Moravian Theological Seminary part-time for a couple of years.  I discovered that this was not my calling.  At the time, I was writing poetry, and much of my spiritual life was worked out in words.  As I slowly began to honor my attraction to visual art, I found making mosaics a practice that embodied prayer, and many people found spiritual connection in my mandalas.  My husband has a calling to art as well, with his stained glass, and he was commissioned by a friend to make a piece for an ordination in Rome. To be part of these milestones is an honor.

Stained Glass for an Ordination by Wayne Stratz.
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Stained Glass for an Ordination by Wayne Stratz.

I like the idea of ordination gifts that speak to the spiritual aspect of a pastor or priest, because I know from the experience of my mother and stepfather, who are in ministry, that the administrative duties can seem overwhelming, and finding ways to reconnect to the heart and soul of ministry is an oasis.

Commission us!


  1. Margaret says:

    Cool! I’ve added a photo of Wayne’s stained glass. It’s flame inspired, a symbol of the order of the ordinand–Franciscan if I remember correctly.

  2. Michelle says:

    Augustinian….but the habits look much the same :). The ordination was today!
    Peaces for prayer, too…your mandala in my prayer space continues to grant it grace!

  3. Margaret says:

    Thank you Michelle! I had Franciscan on the mind because Wayne had a retreat with one. I am so delighted that my mandala continues to be part of your prayer space.

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