My younger sister Cate moved to South Africa! Stratoz and I took her out for a last PA diner breakfast at the West Main Diner, and then Stratoz dropped us off at the train station and each of us hauled a 50 pound suitcase. The conductor took mercy on us and helped with getting the baggage onto the train, and we began the hour long trip to the Philadelphia Airport. We were in a car of commuters, all silent and reading the paper, or working on laptops, but my sister was poised to begin a big adventure. She gave away most of her stuff, sold her car, left her job, and was a 14 hour plane ride away from leaving her home.
I’ve missed her, but it’s been exciting to see her seize her dreams and take the risk to follow her heart. She moved to South Africa both to be with her fiance, and to use her new PhD as a professor at a University in Johannesburg, teaching English as a Foreign Language, with an emphasis on English in academic settings. She is a rockstar of language learning knowledge. South Africa has 11 official languages! Fortunately, we get to talk via Skype, and keep connected since trying to describe her experiences in a new country is overwhelming in email. We both grew up in Canada, before immigrating to the US, and I’ve noticed her accent is sounding more Canadian to me as she is back in the Commonwealth. She said that the landlady’s dog didn’t recognize his name when she said “Gore-Dun”–he’s a proper “Gohr-Done,” or some such vaguely British sounding version.
Note, Cate is the one who I described in this post, who wished the whole world would turn orange when we were were little, but I am the one in the orange jacket! Maybe her wish brought the love of orange into my life, for which I am grateful.
What dreams have you followed? What dreams are making themselves known in your heart?
That’s a wonderful picture of you and your sister! I think that the last big dream that I followed was when I decided to become a nurse… a dream that I’ve never regretted following.
That’s wonderful that you haven’t regretted following your dream to be a nurse!
Oh you’re Canadian? No wonder I like you so much, I seem to be draw to those North of the Border.
What an amazing journey your sister is on, you’ve got quite an interesting family. I really like how you used Orange Tuesday to share some about your life. Always great to learn more about you:)
I am Canadian by all but birth and citizenship! I was born in New Mexico, but my parents moved to Edmonton, AB when I was a baby, and I lived there until I was 17. My sister has the good fortune of having been born in Canada, and is a dual citizen of the US and Canada.
that’s so sweet, that makes me miss my older sister..
and you look great in orange..